T.L. Bodine

T.L. BODINE is the author of RIVER OF SOULS, the Wattpad-exclusive THE HOUND, and many other tales of horror. She’s interested in uncanny, fantastic things, and the way real people with real problems interact with them. When not writing, she can usually be found watching horror movies, playing story-heavy video games, or experimenting in the kitchen. She lives in New Mexico with her husband, David, and two small dogs.

T.L.’s novel, NEVEREST, was published by Ghost Orchid Press in April 2023.


TL: Like a lot of people, I guess, I was only ever peripherally aware of Mt. Everest, never giving it much thought at all, until I happened upon an article talking about the bodies left on its slopes. The photos especially stuck with me, became a sort of itch in my brain, and I couldn’t stop reading about the mountain, just trying to wrap my head around what drives people to climb into this place so clearly inhospitable to human life. Through the process of researching and writing Neverest, I found my answer… and discovered that maybe novelists have more in common with mountain-climbers than I realized. 

You can connect with T.L. Bodine on Twitter @glassratmedia or at www.tlbodine.com.