Julie Sevens

JULIE SEVENS was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. She has since lived in Philadelphia and Berlin, both of which still feel like home, and now lives near Chicago with her family. She has worn many hats, but the best-fitting was as an ESL teacher in Philadelphia.

Julie’s story, “Charming”, is featured in DARK HEARTS: TALES OF TWISTED LOVE.


Romance reality shows like “Mr. Charming” (in my story) often ask audiences to make snap decisions about whether two people are in love after just a couple of artificially designed, superficial interactions. In “Charming,” one of those fans takes the idea much too far, adopting the reality-show definition of ‘love’ as his own. Already involved with a hateful end-times cult, this super-fan takes his misunderstanding of ‘love’ too far.


I have an upcoming themed collection, the first story of which is available on my website for free. All the stories will centre around Robinson Farm, and why the spirits haunting it are so angry. Read it and check out my other publications at juliesevens.com.

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